


R. Peratur. University of Washington.

These sorts Leading is about a process of guided dis- of questions invite staff to think outside of familiar covery that surfaces insights about self patterns of practice order 10 mg atorlip-10 amex cholesterol test results ranges. Nurses glimpse contrasting realities and views in discourse with others who discuss alterna- care and professional practice. Insights occur in flashes that shed light is not about educating staff—meaning it is not on how reality in practice could be shaped. There is risk in opening oneself to see resisting of change (Bournes & DasGupta, 1997; things in a new way. Leaders can A necessary pattern to keep introducing into the invite and nurture discovery, but ultimately it is a process of changes is the pattern of reality linked self-directed process that is lived by each person with patients’/families’ lived experiences in health- considering and choosing or not choosing to care systems. Confirming is a process of seeking personal and Valuable video resources on the topic of patient ex- organizational coherence with the values clarified periences include “Not My Home” (Deveaux & in the process of visioning. Nurses seek coherence Babin, 1994), “Real Stories” (Deveaux & Babin, with cherished values in dialogue with others. As members of a self-regulating ple want to be listened to, to be regarded as know- discipline, nurses have the authority to study and ing participants, to be respected for their unique define the knowledge that will guide their practice lives and meanings, to have meaningful dialogue, and research activities. Standards make concrete and to have their choices and wishes integrated in the values chosen to guide practice and clarify the plans of care. Nursing practice encompasses senting self to colleagues and to patients and fami- multiple realms of responsibility, yet there is with lies as a professional with intent and direction. Nurses who practice human becoming describe Telling stories of changing realities in practice and being more vigilant and attentive to the medical research perpetuates the living of new values and is and technological responsibilities, because they are the primary way nurses and other professionals concerned in a different way about the person as a propel the ongoing journey of change. The way unitary human being who is illuminating meaning, these processes get lived out in any community of synchronizing rhythms, and mobilizing transcen- professionals will be unique, yet common patterns dence. Patterns practice in ways consistent with the human becom- emerge that reflect the pushing-resisting with the ing theory. For example, documentation of patient central message from leaders and with the core care changes from a stance of observed interpreta- ideas of the human becoming theory.

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The fee code for users of the Transactional Reporting Service is: 8036–0604/01 0 $ purchase 10 mg atorlip-10 otc cholesterol ratio is 2.5. Preface to the Second Edition This book offers the perspective that nursing theory is essentially connected with nursing prac- tice, research, education, and development. Nursing theories, regardless of complexity or ab- straction, reflect nursing and are used by nurses to frame their thinking, action, and being in the world. As guides for nursing endeavors, nursing theories are practical in nature and facilitate communication with those being nursed as well as with colleagues, students, and persons prac- ticing in related health and illness services. At the same time, all aspects of nursing are essential for developing and evolving nursing theory. It is hoped that these pages make clear the inter- relations of nursing theory and various nursing endeavors and that the discipline and practice of nursing will thus be advanced. This very special book is intended to honor the work of nursing theorists and nurses who use these theories in their day-to-day nursing care, by reflecting and presenting the unique contri- butions of eminent nursing thinkers and doers of our lifetimes. Our foremost nursing theorists have written for this book or their work has been described by nurses who have thorough knowl- edge of the theorist’s work and who have a deep respect for the theorist as person, nurse, and scholar. Indeed, to the extent possible, contributing authors have been selected by theorists to write about their theoretical work. The pattern for each chapter was developed by each author or team of authors according to their individual thinking and writing styles, as well as the sci- entific perspectives of the chapter. This freedom of format has helped to encourage the latest and best thinking of contributing authors; several authors have shared the insight that in preparing a chapter for this book, their work has become more full and complete. This book is intended to assist nursing students in undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral nursing programs to explore and appreciate nursing theories and their use in nursing practice and scholarship. In addition and in response to calls from practicing nurses, this book is in- tended for use by those who desire to enrich their practice by the study of nursing theories and related illustrations of nursing practice and scholarship. The first section of the book provides an overview of nursing theory and a focus for thinking about evaluating and choosing nursing theory for use in nursing practice.

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Therefore purchase 10 mg atorlip-10 with amex boost good cholesterol foods, the best approach for expectant mothers is to avoid alcohol completely. Maternal drug abuse is also of major concern and is considered one of the greatest risk factors facing unborn children. Children born into homelessness or poverty are more likely to have mothers who are malnourished, who suffer from domestic violence, stress, and other psychological problems, and who smoke or abuse drugs. Poverty‘s impact may also amplify other issues, creating substantial problems for healthy child development (Evans & [7] English, 2002; Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007). Mothers normally receive genetic and blood tests during the first months of pregnancy to determine the health of the embryo or fetus. The screenings detect potential birth defects, including neural tube defects, chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down syndrome), genetic diseases, and other potentially dangerous conditions. Early diagnosis of prenatal problems can allow medical treatment to improve the health of the fetus. What behaviors must a woman avoid engaging in when she decides to try to become pregnant, or when she finds out she is pregnant? Do you think the ability of a mother to engage in healthy behaviors should influence her choice to have a child? Given the negative effects of poverty on human development, what steps do you think that societies should take to try to reduce poverty? Homelessness among families, children, and adolescents: An ecological–developmental perspective. The environment of poverty: Multiple stressor exposure, psychophysiological stress, and socio-emotional adjustment.