


By O. Kamak. California State University, Channel Islands. 2018.

Evaluation of Content: Does the resource provide comprehensive proven 5 mg vasotec blood pressure eye pain, substantiated in- formation? Acceptable/Not Acceptable Does the information cover nursing research, administration, and education? Are you able to The Web site/resource is easy to use and well or- contact the webmaster from an onsite address? Yes/No Are you informed when you are seamlessly transferred to an- The Web site/resource is satisfying to visit. Are there fees or membership required to access the infor- Yes/No mation you need? This nursing theory resource will ground my inquiry as a credible, authoritative, and accurate source of information. Yes/No Reservations: ____________________________________________________________________________________ questions may not apply to all Web sites and may be • How comprehensive do you intend your analy- modified by the purpose of the Web site. Following are key reflective preparations that will When you have answered as many questions as help focus your activities: you are able to, synthesize your findings. White paper: Criteria for assessing the accuracy, credibility, currency, and trust- quality of health information on the Internet (working draft). Nursing decision making and the science of the Bartlett Publishers and National League for Nursing. The Nightingales Florence Nightingale transformed a “calling from were on an extended European tour, begun in 1818 God” and an intense spirituality into a new social shortly after their marriage. A reflection on this statement A legacy of humanism, liberal thinking, and love appears in a well-known quote from Notes on of speculative thought was bequeathed to Nursing (1859/1992): “Nature [i. His views on the educa- tion of God] alone cures … what nursing has to tion of women were far ahead of his time. Florence and her sis- Although Nightingale never defined human care or ter studied music; grammar; composition; modern caring in Notes on Nursing, there is no doubt that languages; Ancient Greek and Latin; constitutional her life in nursing exemplified and personified an history and Roman, Italian, German, and Turkish ethos of caring. It is model is yet to truly come of age in nursing or the Parthenope, the older sister, who clutches her fa- health care system. Justice- making is understood as a manifestation of com- passion and caring,“for it is our actions that brings about justice” (p.

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The process of indi- viduation order 10mg vasotec amex arrhythmia supraventricular tachycardia, which begins during infancy and continues well into late adolescence, involves a gradual, progres- Social transition sive sharpening of one’s sense of self as autonomous, as Accompanying the biological, cognitive, and emo- competent, and as separate from one’s parents. Individu- tional transitions of adolescence are important changes ation, therefore, has a great deal to do with the develop- in the adolescent’s social relationships, or the social ment of a sense of identity, in that it involves changes in transition of adolescence. Although rela- ful in establishing a sense of individuation can accept re- tions with agemates exist well before adolescence, dur- sponsibility for their choices and actions instead of look- ing the teenage years they change in significance and ing to their parents to do it for them. Being independent means more than merely feeling First, there is a sharp increase during adolescence in independent, of course. It also means being able to make the sheer amount of time individuals spend with their your own decisions and to select a sensible course of ac- peers and in the relative time they spend in the company tion by yourself. In the United States, well over half ty in contemporary society, where many adolescents are of the typical adolescent’s waking hours are spent with forced to become independent decision makers at an peers, as opposed to only 15% with adults—including early age. Second, during adolescence, peer groups function ing abilities improve over the course of the adolescent much more often without adult supervision than they do years, with gains continuing well into the later years of during childhood. Many parents wonder about the susceptibility of Finally, whereas children’s peer relationships are adolescents to peer pressure. In general, studies that limited mainly to pairs of friends and relatively small contrast parent and peer influences indicate that in some groups—three or four children at a time, for example— situations, peers’ opinions are more influential, while in adolescence marks the emergence of larger groups of others, parents’ are more influential. Crowds are large collectives of similar- cents are more likely to conform to their peers’ opinions ly stereotyped individuals who may or may not spend when it comes to short-term, day-to-day, and social mat- much time together. In contemporary American high ters—styles of dress, tastes in music, and choices among schools, typical crowds are “jocks,” “brains,” “nerds,” leisure activities. When it crowds are not settings for adolescents’ intimate interac- comes to long-term questions concerning educational or tions or friendships, but, instead, serve to locate the ado- occupational plans, however, or values, religious beliefs, lescent (to himself and to others) within the social struc- and ethical issues, teenagers are influenced in a major ture of the school. In general, during childhood, boys and girls are highly oriented toward their parents and The importance of peers during early adolescence less so toward their peers; peer pressure during the early coincides with changes in individuals’ needs for intima- elementary school years is not especially strong. During adolescence, the time of inherent and inevitable family conflict, early search for intimacy intensifies, and self-disclosure be- adolescence is a period of significant change and reorga- tween best friends becomes an important pastime. In most families, there is Teenagers, especially girls, spend hours discussing their a movement during adolescence from patterns of influ- innermost thoughts and feelings, trying to understand ence and interaction that are asymmetrical and unequal one another. The discovery that they tend to think and to ones in which parents and their adolescent children feel the same as someone else becomes another impor- are on a more equal footing.

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Because the ontologies of these paradigmatic perspectives lead to different re- Presently proven 5 mg vasotec blood pressure medication migraines, nurse leaders in research, administration, search and practice modalities, they lead to differ- education, and practice are focusing attention on ent professional services to humankind. The goal of the discipline is to expand knowledge The profession of nursing consists of people edu- about human experiences through creative concep- cated according to nationally regulated, defined, and tualization and research. The standards and regulations are to preserve the safety of health care for members of society. The nursing regulations and standards are Knowledge of the discipline is the scientific specified predominantly in medical/scientific terms. This is according to tradition and is largely related to nursing’s early subservience to medicine. The the nurse leaders in health-care systems and in regu- discipline-specific knowledge is given birth and lating organizations have been developing standards fostered in academic settings where research and ed- (Mitchell, 1998) and regulations (Damgaard & ucation move the knowledge to new realms of un- Bunkers, 1998) consistent with discipline-specific derstanding. The goal of the profession is to provide knowledge as articulated in the theories and frame- service to humankind through living the art of the works of nursing. Members of the nursing profession are re- ment that will fortify the identity of nursing as a sponsible for regulating the standards of practice discipline with its own body of knowledge—one and education based on disciplinary knowledge that that specifies the service that society can expect from reflects safe health service to society in all settings. The totality paradigm frameworks and Human Becoming language is unique to nursing. Nurses living the beliefs of this nine concepts written in verbal form with “ing” paradigm are concerned with participation of per- endings to make clear the importance of the ongo- sons in health-care decisions but have specific ing process of change as basic to human-universe regimes and goals to bring about change for the emergence. Nurses living the simultaneity unitary beings, as specified in the ontology, pre- paradigm beliefs hold people’s perspectives of their cludes any use of terms such as physiological, bio- health situations and their desires to be primary. Human Becoming, a school of thought named such The assumptions of the human becoming school of because it encompasses on ontology, epistemology, thought are written at the philosophical level of and methodologies, emanates from the simultane- discourse (Parse, 1998a). When the term (Rogers, 1992) and from existential phenomeno- “mankind” was replaced with “male gender” in the logical thought (Parse, 1981, 1992, 1994a, 1995, dictionary definition of “man,” the name of the 1997a, 1998a). In the assumptions, the author sets theory was changed to “human becoming” (Parse, forth the view that unitary humans, in mutual 1992). With process with the universe, are cocreating a unique the 1998 publication of The Human Becoming becoming.

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The actual arrangement or orientation (in space) of atoms/groups attached to the chiral carbon (stereogenic centre or stereocentre) is called the configuration of a compound 10 mg vasotec amex arrhythmia 20 years old. However, they differ in their activities with plane polarized light, which gives rise to optical isomerism, and also in their pharmacological actions. Drawing a chiral molecule (enantiomer) On a plane paper, chiral molecules can be drawn using wedge bonds. There are also a few other methods that use horizontal bonds representing bonds pointing out of the paper and vertical bonds pointing into the paper. If we looked ‘end-on’ at light as it travels, we would see it oscillates in all directions. When a beam of ordinary light is passed through a polarizer, the polarizer interacts with the electrical vector in such a way that the light emerging from it oscillates in one direction or plane. Light oscillates in all directions The plane of oscillation in plane-polarized light When plane-polarized light passes through a solution of an enantiomer, the plane of light rotates. If the rotation is in a clockwise direction, the enantiomer is said to be dextrorotatory and is given the (þ) sign in front of its name. Anticlockwise rotation gives an enantiomer which is known as levorotatory and is given the sign (À) in front of its name. A solution of optically active molecule (enantiomer) is placed in a sample tube, plane-polarized light is passed through the tube and a rotation of the polarization plane takes place. By rotating the analyser until the light passes through it, the new plane of polarization can be found, and the extent of rotation that has taken place can be measured. Polarizer Light source Observer Ordinary Plane-polarized light Sample tube containing unpolarized light a solution of optically Analyser active compound (Can be rotated) Enantiomers are optically active, and are called optical isomers, with one being (þ) and the other (À). A mixture of enantiomers with the same amount of each is called a racemic mixture. Specific rotations The more molecules (optically active) the light beam encounters, the greater the observed rotation. Thus, the amount of rotation depends on both sample concentration and sample path length.